So before Georgia was born, I was 100% sure that I was going to get her ears pierced before she was a year old. I was TOTALLY sure. If not only for the fact that I think babies with pierced ears look cute, but also because I couldn't stand people who said things like, "When she is old enough to CHOOOOOOSE earrings, I will get her ears pierced." As if our babies have any choice in anything we are doing to them at this age.
"Excuse me baby, would you rather wear this pink Barbie getup that screams 'PAGENT!' or this non-descript green outfit that screams, 'I AM TRYING VERY HARD TO MAKE MY BABY GIRL LOOK LIKE I AM NOT TRYING HARD.' "
Your baby can't pick the outfit at this point. You are picking it for her. You are choosing to either make her wear pink, or green. See? One is not better than the other.
This was my beef with the whole "she will choose to pierce her ears" argument. Babies can't choose anything. A mother is still choosing for her NOT to pierce her ears. Duh. Now if I heard something like, "I don't think it's appropriate for babies to have their ears pierced" well, I could get down with that. It makes sense. It is the mother's opinion, as are all facets of baby fashion. So waiting until "she can choose to pierce her hears" has always sounded dumb to me. That particular argument made me want to pierce Georgia's ears, as some kind of hair flip, flip the bird, flippity doo da or whatever to people who don't agree with me on this subject. Baby with her ears pierced ! HA! TAKE THAT!
And now? Now that Georgia is a real, live, person.Now that Georgia is 7 months old? Do I still want to pierce her ears? DO I???!!!! WHAT DO I WANT TO DO REGARDING THIS VERY IMPORTANT DECISION THAT WILL CHANGE MY DAUGHTER'S FUTURE FOREVER?????
I want to wait until she can decide for herself. Well I'll be damned! Put that in your pipe and smoke it TT!