Friday, August 22, 2014

Twist and Shout

I hate gaining weight. Even though I totally get that I am pregnant, and that I am supposed to gain weight. I seriously understand that this is part of the process, however, I hate it so much.

Okay. Moving on.

I am trying to decide if i want to have an unmedicated birth or not.

Or wait. Let me rephrase. I WANT an unmedicated birth, I am just trying to decide if I will be able to go through with it. I already know I can handle the ring of fire (which happens during crowning), because, well, I did with Georgia. (I had a med free transition and birth)

Some women say the ring of fire the worst part of giving birth. Now I'm not saying it was a picnic or fact I believe  described it as "feeling like you are being skinned alive while set on fire" so that is not really too fun. But I know I will live. Maybe.

I was not med free during my 15.5 hours of labor, and that is the part I am worried about. Will I be able to have contractions for 15 hours? I totally think I am incapable of doing that. That is a LONG ASS TIME. I am hoping that it will be quick since it is my second child.

I actually can't believe I have to fucking do this again. WHO MADE THIS UP?  Who decided that person comes out of your vagina!!!? FUCK YOU, whoever you are. It sounds like a horror movie, except it isn't. It's normal, everyday, hohummmdrummm oh yeah I just had a baby, no biggie. I swear to god if babies came out of men there would be like some national holiday every time a man gave birth and paternity leave would be like 5 years long because they would spend the first 4.5 years taking care of their sore/disfigured wangs.

But alas, because women are giving birth we are expected to be up and at 'em within three days, back to work in 3 months ( if we work) hormones and postpartum ANYTHING be dammed.

We are supposed  love and accept the fact that kids ruin our bodies, we are supposed rock our stretch marks, and float wholeheartedly into motherhood on a puffy cloud of breastfeeding unicorns. It pisses me off.

Anyway, where was I? OH. Birth. Yes.

So,no epidural is what I'm going for this time. Having gone through labor and delivery once before, and being obsessed with birth stories in general, I know not to get my hopes up at all, and that you are not in control, and that basically, baby decides how he/she is going to enter the world. So I am ready for anything. However, if things are running smoothly, this is my preferred method of childbirth.

If you have had unmedicated birth, please offer me words of wisdom. And "take the drugs" is not helpful. 

1 comment:

  1. Save this to laugh and omg your way through labor. I have the hypnosis CDs if you want them. You can mock them as well like I did!
