Yeah, super gay. But anyway we picked the baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper. Not the most expensive one or anything. It was around $90, but it seriously looked like the most fun out of all the jumperoos! OMG-am I really having this conversation with you? Ugh. Yeah, anyway it was straight out of babies-on-acid or something (does that make me sound cooler?). It was so craaaazy looking. I quickly got over the decor issues, and decided that this was the perfect one for Miss Thang. Here is a picture of all of my baby shit in my living room. That is my sweet nephew Jules testing out the jumperoo for Georgia.
Please excuse this photo of me. I look horriffic.
AAAAALL that stuff is Georgia's. OMG how did babies SURVIVE in the 70's ( I say 70's because that is when I was born) without this crap?
No wonder I am so mentally messed up. I didn't have a Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper! GOD MOM! You must not love me or something. You probably let me play with knives! Just kidding.I know she didn't let me play with knives. I was barely allowed to touch anything. I know for a fact I wasn't allowed to use those little plastic scissors when I was in kindergarten. We ( Jill and I) were going for our kindergarten orientation or whatever, and the principal was like, "Okay twinnies, you can go play arts and crafts while I talk to your parents." Jill and I look at the arts and crafts center, look back at the principal and say in stereo, "We're not allowed to play with scissors."
OKAAAAAAY. Losers. We also hated baby dolls because we were jealous of them. We did like regular dolls though. Just not babies. I loved my Annie doll...and my Annie wig. I would seriously wear the big, red Annie afro outside, and sing and shit and try to get the neighborhood kids to be in my musicals. They were all like, "um, no way freak." Humm..and we always liked Barbie.
I really don't have a problem with Barbie. She is fit, and so what if she has a boob job? And really, as a child I never even though twice about her figure when I played with her. I thought she was pretty, her best friend was Teresa, and she had a kid sis named Skipper (whose boobs were NOT big) and a cool pink car. And a horse. And a hott boyfriend. Seems fun to me!
I know that as a mother to a little girl, it is my responsibility to teach her not to be obsessed with looks, and pink, and shit like that. There are all kinds of articles out these days about how if your daughter likes princesses as a little girl, she is TOTALLY going to be working the poles as a young woman so STAY AWAY FROM PINK!
Here is my thought on this. When somebody starts telling our little boys that they can't like blue, to stop playing football and toy trucks, and to make them go to ballet class instead of soccer-then I'll listen to these stupid people and their hatred for Barbie. But until the little boy/girl gender argument is equal...blah...sorry. I have ZERO interest.
There is nothing wrong with being interested in fashion, hair and make up. Do I want that to be Georgia's only source of happiness? No, absolutely not. But I don't find it necessary to cut it out of her life either. Fashion is fun! And seriously, Barbie is smart AND fashionable. She is a pediatrician for God's sake! SHE IS HELPING CHILDREN! LOOK!
If Georgia comes to me one day and says, "Mom, I want to paint my room black, pierce my nose. And oh by the way, this is my new girlfriend, Jane," I will buy black paint for her room, and invite Jane over for dinner. I might tell her that the nose ring looks stupid, depending on the size and everything, but she can still pierce it if she wants. I do not expect her to be the most popular-pagent star-with-the-quarterback -boyfriend type of gal. But also, if she likes Barbie, I am not going to make a big stink about it. I liked Barbie. And just because you like pink and barbie and cheerleading doesn't mean you are automatically a vapid bitch.And just because you like fashion doesn't mean you are stupid. I've known some really ugly people who were NOT into fashion at all who were really stupid. And I've known some really mean girls who played other sports besides cheerleading. And of course, I have known girls who like pink and who are vapid and bitchy.
Spoiled, bratty, bitch, stripper comes in all shapes, dolls, colors, and sports. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Georgia has taken over your house! I love it! It doesn't get better. Things come with more pieces, and smaller pieces, and once you lose one teeny tiny plastic princess shoe, the whole thing is worthless. My philosophy now is: if I step on it, and it hurts my foot, it's trash. The fun is just beginning
ReplyDeleteI love it! I wish people would just let kids be exposed to everything and like what they like. You saw the amount of princess dresses Rosie has, she is also playing soccer in the fall. She plays with her kitchen, she also does art projects and is obsessed with plastic bugs. Barbie is great... dramatic play is a good thing and I actually love how varied Barbie is... Rosie has a Barbie that is Potty Training Puppies and she loves it.
ReplyDeletePS... Warning, the Baby Einstein toys are awesome... Just know that some of them don't have off buttons... I won't admit to throwing out a baby toy that made too much noise by that company :)
ReplyDeletei hated your barbie shoes
ReplyDeletethank you for your thoughts, mother.