Ugh. Okay. I know this makes me sound like a total asshole, and I admit that this is really selfish and snobby... but I can't STAND how tacky and ugly all of the baby gear is. Like, it makes me want to hyperventilate . Seriiiiiously! I've been avoiding buying a jumperoo or exersaucer because, well, they are SO UGLY! I can't stand looking at them. I hate how they look in people's houses, and specifically, I hate how they are going to look in my house. I have not even looked at one for Georgia because when I see them they make me feel like bugs are crawling all over me or something. But now our baby doc says she is ready to jump and exercise to her heart's content, so I am going to have to take the plunge.
My living room is already becoming baby central. When I was pregnant I was like, "None of this shit is going in my beautiful Anthropologie decorated living room!" Baby toys will not match my beautifully painted walls (colors consisting of "Haunted Melodies" and " Medium Terracotta" ) A pack and play does not belong near my magazine worthy mantel, decorated with faux Pottery Barn flowers, various Lenox, and airbrushed wedding photos of moi-captured forever in Monique Lhuiller picture frames!
Joking. Sort of. But seriously, I like for everything to have a cohesive look. I have really worked hard at styling my house, and the exersaucers that are out there, are just, um, no. They look like rainbow bright took a shot of jager and them vommed all over everything. I was searching and searching yesterday for a nice "neutral" colored exersaucer, but was then schooled by my mommy friends on facebook that " THE BABY LIKES PRIMARY COLORS, DUMBASS!"
Of course this makes sense. I'm sure I am not the only mom who thinks they are ugly, and doesn't want them in their house. Of course there HAD to be a reason that EVERYONE had these ugly pieces of plastic in their living rooms. I guess I am just going to have to get used to the fact that for the next few years, primary colors are it, yo.
I don't mind the stuff that is lying around right now. I've gotten used to it. There is a pack and play (a very nice neutral brown color), her swing which is "sea green" (remember that crayola color?), and her play mat which is light pink, sea green, and a yellow color that reminds me of spring and bunnies and shit. Her little bouncy chair is a nice light pink, and her little toys are all mostly white and pink. Okay, I can handle light green and light pink. I can handle the fung shui of my furniture getting "out of order" for her swing and chair. They are nice, calm, colors, and Georgia always looks very peaceful in all of these apparati.
Peaceful or not, I will have to deal with the exersaucer/jumperoo/whateveritis. The two that I find the least offensive are the Bright Start Activity Jumper Pretty in Pink or the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo .
Which one is uglier?
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