But let's not focus on that. Let's focus on the LOVE! THE LOVE! Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with love for her that I think to myself, "What have I done?" You can't protect your heart from your baby. It's impossible. My heart is now an open target to be torn out and broken. When you open yourself that much to a person, when you allow yourself to be that vulnerable to hurt,well, that is true love. I'm doomed.
It also helps that she is an excellent baby. First though, believe me when I say, I was ready for IT ALL! For sleepless nights, uncontrollable screaming, for Chris and me to be fighting nonstop, pots overflowing, curlers in my hair to match ugly pink robe (?), a telephone cord wrapped around my body (not that we have a telephone with a cord, but this was part of my maternity leave nightmare). I thought we were going to be eating microwave popcorn for dinner, I thought I was going to spend all day crying. I was prepared for the worst.
"The worst" is not the case at all. First of all, Georgia is a great sleeper. Even when we had to feed her every two hours when she first came home-she just ate and slept. We slept. It was hard, but not too hard. Nursing was working out( I'll post about nursing later). I wasn't prepared for the projectile poo and the amount of diapers that went with it, but it wasn't such a big deal. I managed to conquer the projectile poo with a homemade diaper shield-you just figure it out as you go! I also took all cues from Georgia and kind of let her guide me. A baby knows what she needs, and will let you know. I fed her on cue and let her sleep on cue. I wasn't too concerned with "a schedule" the first month. Maybe it's not for everyone, but it works for us.
I don't really know what the main focus of this particular post is. I'm just saying-life is great! Everything is great. Yes, it's hard. Yes, it's totally different. I am in Georgia's life, she isn't in my life. Everything I do, I now do with her on my mind. My days of sitting at a bar, carelessly ordering a dirty martini are over. I have to be responsible... because if something happens to me, what happens to Georgia?
You know how you have to adjust when you have a dog? Imagine that times like 20 zillion,billion. I've never felt responsible for much. I mean, yes, I pay bills, yes I get up for work, but this responsibility is no match for getting to work at 8AM. It's crazy. But I love it. The big smile at 4AM is so worth it. SOOO worth it.
stop making me cry, i freakin love your blog posts!!!!!!!!!!!!! i always feel like you're in my brain, i feel exactly the same way.