Monday, May 14, 2012

Time after Time

I really want to ignore the new TIME magazine cover, but I can't. My uneasiness has nothing to do with mommy wars, attachment parenting, not feeling "mom enough", or extended breastfeeding. I just can't help thinking about that little boy. Why would his mother put him in the middle of such controversy? Yes. The photo is controversial.  A MILF in tight pants with perky boobs and her large three year old son standing on a stool breastfeeding is not a natural or nurturing comment on breastfeeding or attachment parenting. It's awkward and confusing.

Also, why does she have to be sexy? That is not to say that moms can't be sexy. But one of the things our country struggles with regarding breastfeeding is how sexualized breasts are. Many people can't move past  "OMG BOOBS!"that when they see a woman breastfeeding in public. They see it as dirty or gross or weird. This picture is weird and stupid, so great job to TIME magazine for making a joke out of attachment parenting. And shame on this mother for putting her child in the middle of it.

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