Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Reminder...

I was thinking about a paper I wrote in 12 grade about "where I wanted to be in 10 years". Obviously, ten years has come and gone,  and getting closer and closer to "where do I want to be in 20 years?"

"In ten years" I wanted to have a singing career. I don't. I barely have a voice. (Although the botox shots in my vocal cords have helpd SO much, I will write about it soon)

Instead of a singing career, I have a beautiful home. A handsome husband who is a wonderful father. I can eat whatever I want and stay 100lbs.  I am starting (what seems like) a fun new job,  and getting a nice pay increase. I am going to Cancun for Christmas. And I have my sweet, adorable, funny, beautiful Georgia.  I love my inlaws, I have the relationship with my Dad that I always wanted, my family lives close to me, and getting up in the morning never sucks.

This isn't what I pictured. But it is a good picture. And I have to keep reminding myself when I want more, that I already have so much to be thankful for.


  1. I loved this. It's funny how sometimes we take things for granted and bitch and moan about stupid crap, but I have to stop sometimes and remember the things you just mentioned. And Georgia is beautiful, Teresa!!! Good luck with your new job!

  2. It's worth it, isn't it? :)
